BM Cloud is a SAAS

Business Manager’s cloud based technology, removes the need for you to purchase expensive servers, database, software, upgrades and on-site specialists to support and maintain the system. It reduces your computer expenses by delivering all your automation needs for a low monthly payment. The monthly payment provides all your IT needs: processing power, software, upgrades, maintenance and support.

BM Cloud is an easy-to-use application designed to automate every facet of retail and distribution business. It is a complete automation solution designed to help you increase sales, improve turnover and drive down costs throughout your business cycle.

BM Cloud Benefits


Benefits – BM Cloud

Pay only for usage
Scale resources quickly
Switch from on-premise to SaaS

Benefits – Cloud SaaS

No IT resources needed
Minimal capital expenditures
Automatic updates & upgrades

Cloud Technology

Access from anywhere
No software to install or upgrade
Cross platform compatibility